Welcome to ollielovell.com.
The mission of this website is to share stories, research, effective approaches, and questions about teaching and learning. It’s a place for me to publicly think and publicly fumble as I develop my ideas and practice as an educator.
Here are the three main ways that people engage with ollielovell.com

- Tools for Teachers and Cognitive Load Theory in Action, both published by John Catt Educaitonal
Most popular podcasts
- Bill Rogers on Behaviour Management
- Dylan Wiliam on Leadership for Teacher Learning
- Natalie Wexler on The Knowledge Gap
- John Hollingsworth on Explicit Direct Instruction
- Judith Hochman on How to Teach Students to Write
- See all podcasts here
Blog posts on the big questions in education
- Effect Sizes, Robust or Bogus? Reflections from my discussions with Hattie and Simpson
- Inquiry vs. Explicit: Is there even a difference?
- The category ‘on education‘ contains more posts of this type.
Snapshots and reflections from my classroom
- Reflections on 2017 and a 1 SD increase in maths results
- Student science reports 1.0: From scaffolding to assessment
- How do we know what to put on the weekly quiz?
- Assessment feedback: Processes to ensure that students think!
- Craig Barton interviews me for the Mr. Barton Maths Podcast
- See the category Ollie’s Classroom for more recent posts in this vein
Practical strategies to teaching mathematic
Teacher Ollie’s Takeaways
Teacher Ollie’s Takeaways (TOT) is usually a weekly blog post in which I share the things that I’ve learnt from the previous week, and link to any articles, blogs, books, or podcasts that I’ve found particularly enlightening. TOT is on hiatus at the moment whilst I work on some longer form writing (two books!). To receive updates on when these books will be out, subscribe here.
A full list of all blog posts can be found in my blog archive here.