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Tom Bennett is the founder of researchED, a grass-roots organisation that seeks to raise research literacy in education. Since 2013 researchED has visited three continents and six countries, attracting thousands of followers. In 2015 he became the UK government’s school ‘Behaviour Czar’, advising on behaviour policy. He has written four books about teacher training, and in 2015 he was long listed as one of the world’s top teachers in the GEMS Global Teacher Prize. In the same year he made the Huffington Post’s ‘Top Ten Global Bloggers’ list. His online resources have been viewed over 1,200,000 times.
In this episode we talk to Tom about his paper ‘The Research Lead’, which advocates for schools to allot time to a ‘research lead’ in order for that individual to further explore education research and how that ed research can enrich their school’s learning program.
As well as our guest we were joined in the ERRR this episode by Ed, Beth, Helen, Jen, and Catherine. If you’d like to join us for the next episode of the ERRR you can sign up for free here.
Links mentioned in the podcast:
Tom suggests: Log onto ResearchED website, check out their resources, then subscribe to their newsletter (bottom left of this page).
Daniel Willingham’s ‘Why Students Don’t Like School’. I (Ollie) read this book back in 2014 and it fundamentally changed the way I approach learning more then anything I had ever read prior, or anything I’ve read since. The point that was new to me is that ‘Factual knowledge precedes skill’. I wrote about it here.
People that Tom Suggests we follow on Twitter: Andrew Old, Sam Freedman, Daisy Christodoulou, Daniel Willingham.
Dean’s for Impact paper on ‘The Science of Learning’.
Catherine Scott’s ‘People who Like to Talk about Teaching’ Facebook page.
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