We often criticise large scale tests, but how often do we actually sit down and take one of these tests ourselves? In takeaway 1, award winning author, Jen McVeity, shares her experiences of taking the NAPLAN writing test.
Barak Rosenshine’s ‘principles of instruction‘ is an excellent paper detailing some of the fundamentals of great teaching. I hadn’t thought of using it as the basis for a teacher observation protocol…but Adam Boxer has. Check out his template in takeaway 2.
Takeaways 3 and 4 are well worth checking out for advice about taking action at the micro level (helping students to break down tasks into bite sized chunks), and understanding ed at the macro level (PISA top performers compared)
Takeaway 5 is a reflective piece on the importance of teacher judgment when we get excited about the idea of evidence based education (this ties in well with the upcoming ERRR Podcast with Adrian Simpson, critiquing the meta-analysis!)
6, 7, 8, and 9 are for your interest.
Enjoy : )
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Are we measuring what matters in writing? Award-winnning author sits NAPLAN writing test
Award-winning author sits NAPLAN writing test. How does she go? Really interesting piece https://t.co/aJUVedog2W pic.twitter.com/XbNNBoPUpF
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 22, 2018
A Rosenshine inspired teacher observation template, via @adamboxer1
This is a really good template/stimulus for discussions about observation templates Rosenshine. https://t.co/k5YHihleGU via @adamboxer1
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 25, 2018
What to do when a learner is stuck during learning, lessons from behavioural psych, via @HFletcherWood
Step by step: breaking learning down using behavioural psychology https://t.co/yJVhKMr3Xl via @HFletcherWood pic.twitter.com/6k1zUIgJPq
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 25, 2018
Finland, Singapore, Shanghai? Hear @MrBartonMaths and @Lucy_crehan discuss the ins and outs of PISA’s top performers
Interesting linksmade btwn txtbook tching a& sdts being able to independently study @mrbartonmaths and @lucy_crehan https://t.co/3mMePO91Ns
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 22, 2018
The role of teacher judgment in ‘evidence informed’ education, via @rethinking_ed
The role of teacher judgement in ‘evidence informed education’.Great piece by @rethinking_ed https://t.co/OKfitkiK6o pic.twitter.com/Prmqbf8lfO
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 26, 2018
The 2018 Teacher Prep Review. Highlighting exemplary teacher education programs
Might be of interest to those in teacher education. @pepsmccrea https://t.co/KMpXQTvaUK pic.twitter.com/AY6kpMnm1i
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 21, 2018
The gender gap in Maths and English, correlated with societal inequality
Source: http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/sapienza/htm/science.pdf
The gender gap in maths and English, correlated with societal equality. pic.twitter.com/lRq0QONXsa
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 20, 2018
What is motivation porn? An interesting concept, via @davidwebster
This is interesting. What is ‘motivation porn’, and why does Higher Education seem addicted to it? https://t.co/GBjx2YsY0R via @davidwebster
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 23, 2018
The scientific impotence excuse. How we discount those whose conclusions we disagree with
The Scientific Impotence Excuse, how we discount studies whose conclusions we disagree with https://t.co/dP63x45xcx pic.twitter.com/46uguKRM4j
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 21, 2018