T1 is the second Mr Barton Maths podcast ‘slice of advice’ episode. Love this format, hearing from more than 30 educators on different ways to run your first lesson of the year with a new class! Nice to listen to now, but I’ll be re-listening again in Jan when I’m about to start out with a new class.

T2 is a great post from Harry Fletcher-Wood with some great general tips, especially for our northern hemisphere friends starting out with a new class at the moment.

T3 continues the ‘starting with a new class’ theme, but this post is very much relevant at all times within the year. We can also extend this to learning words and phrases from our students’ languages. I’ve managed to master ‘No worries’ in Tamil, but whenever I try to say ‘Wake up’ in vietnamese my students all reply with a confused look. Will have to keep working on my pronunciation!

T4 helps me feel better about how many hours it takes me to get through books.

T5 is two hard won snippets from one such book…

I’m a big one for structure, and T6 is just the kind of post that gets me going! A whole primary maths curriculum (the component relating to number fact fluency anyway) laid out in a nice table. Soak it up!

Finally, T7 is an area to watch over the coming months…

Enjoy : )

(all past TOTs here), sign up to get these articles emailed to you each week here.

Slice of advice, v2, ‘What does your first lesson with a class look like?’, via @mrbartonmaths

Ten tips for new teachers (or any teacher for that matter), via @HFletcherWood

How important is it to learn students names… really? via @TeacherHead

Speed reading not all it’s hyped up to be

Two more snippets from @dylanwiliam ‘s ‘Leadership for Teacher Learning’: Action triggers and sharpening the axe

A structured approach to developing fluency of number facts in primary school, via @mrmillerteach

Social and Emotional Learning, promising findings