T1 this week is a plug for the first Dylan Wiliam appearance on the Mr. Barton Maths podcast. If you haven’t already listened to this podcast, it’s a MUST! I share two takeaways in the snippet below, but there was much, much more (which I detailed in this post)

T2 is well worth a watch. This coach’s feedback is a superb balance of correction and positive support. 

T3 worth checking out if you’re considering any of the issues around teacher recruitment, development, or retention.

T4 is a couple of summaries of the conference I wish I was at last weekend. 

T5 is an analysis of how the pupil premium is spent in the UK, forthcoming blogs on how it could be better spent. I found this piece very thought provoking. 

And I’ll let T6, 7, and 8 speak for themselves. 

Enjoy : )

(all past TOTs here), sign up to get these articles emailed to you each week here.

Dylan Wiliam’s first interview on the Mr. Barton Maths podcast, via @mrbartonmaths

And another snipped from Leadership for Teacher Learning

A 3 minute video on a baseball coach modelling expert feedback, many lessons for teachers

Key research summary on teacher recruitment, development, and retention, via @DrSamSims

Snapshots from the 2018 researchED conference

Targeted pupil funding gone wrong, an interesting analysis via @profbeckyallen

Letting private education institutions compete for public money can be dangerous. Here are some lessons from history

Improving attendance. Could rewards help? (answer: it’s complicated!), via @EducEndowFound

How can we measure student engagement in our school? Here are 21 places to start!