T1 is a practical and elegant explanation of memory and how it links to the process of learning. Definitely worth checking out.

T2 is a handy website for teaching (or rather, facilitating) reading comprehension.

T3 is some supporting evidence for a resource I shared back in TOT070 about promoting productive academic discussions in the science classroom. I’ll be looking into this more and it gives me some ideas for some future ERRR episodes.

T4 is a wonderful Mr. Barton Maths podcast that follows on well from his discussion with Bernie Westacott on using manipulatives.

T5 made me re-think elements of my teaching and, along with a rant from Tom Sherrington on textbooks, has encouraged me to use them a little more this coming year.

T6 is a mathematical learning trajectory which two early learning specialists, Helen Williams and Bernie Westacott have expressed support for.

T7, 8, and 9 are all from Cambridge Mathematics (I came across them at a conference presentation that I went to this week) and I’ll let the titles speak for themselves. I really like the idea of ‘espressos’, which are short 2 page summaries of education research, and how it relates to the teaching of mathematics, compiled by Lucy Rycroft-Smith. Who recently appeared in an episode of the Mr. Barton Maths podcast too.

Enjoy : )

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If I ever teach teachers, this is the model of memory that I’ll use, via @EfratFurst, applied by @BenRogersEdu

here’s the link to her blog that I forgot! https://sites.google.com/view/efratfurst/learning-in-the-brain

Readtheory.org, a fantastic online reading comprehension resource

The EEF Found that the ‘Talk Science’ (TERC) resources had a positive impact on student learning, via @EducEndowFound

Understanding early years mathematics teaching, via @helenjwc and @mrbartonmaths

Teaching with booklets and visualisers, via @bennewmark

Mapping mathematical learning trajectories, ht @helenjwc and @mrbartonmaths

Ten reasons lessons can be less effective than they could be, via @teacherhead

‘Espressos’, wonderful little research summaries, via @CambridgeMaths and @honeypisquared

A collection of articles on mathematics pedagogy, via @CambridgeMaths

Articles on how mathematics is used in the workplace, via @CambridgeMaths