Some real gems for you in this TOT!

T1 is a clever change that can be made to multi-choice questions to get students to explain their thinking and go deeper than a simple tick box (nice short post).

T2 is just Amazing, whether you’re a maths person or not you gotta check it out! Mario and Quadratics, nuff said.

T3 is a study from Victoria, Australia, on the impact that effective school principals have, and what they do differently.

T4 builds on some of the other resources I’ve shared recently about Comparative Judgment (see ERRR podcast with Daisy Christodoulou) by introducing an app to use CJ quicker and for more formative purposes in the classroom.

I’ll let the titles of the other takeaways speak for themselves : )


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(all past TOTs here), sign up to get these articles emailed to you each week here.

A small change to multi-choice questions to probe students’ understanding, via @nomad_penguin

An introduction to quadratics, using Mario! via @MrJohnRowe

What impact do effective school principals make? ht @dylanwiliam

New app ‘Compare and Learn’ based upon Comparative Judgment, via @WaldenKent

Prodigy Game, a gameboy-like game (think 2000s Pokemon) for learning maths. Free

Five qualities common to teachers who are effective at supporting students

Digital resources to support teaching about the Stolen Generation, via @HealingOurWay

What to do if a child discloses sensitive information to you

New word, ‘Brexiting’