This week I finally finished listening to Craig Barton’s mammoth ‘slice of advice’ podcast. Got heaps out of it, and that’s why it’s T1, and perfectly complimented by a summary graphic by @mrshawthorne7.

T2 is about how Bentleigh West Primary School has improved its literacy in recent years with a highly focussed and structured approach. Lots of great resources mentioned in this article.

T3 is an interesting reflection on concept models and how to make them, quite long, will be stimulating for anyone who has been exploring dual coding and other such topics recently (such as the in the work of @olicav in the Slice of Advice podcast mentioned above)

T4 and T5 both step outside of education, with running and food production, to colour our view of both perseverance and the idea of ‘hinterland’ within curriculum (If you haven’t heard of hinterland, Adam Boxer writes about it here). Also check out the PBS research digest podcast on ‘cognitive reframing’ and how it can help you to feel better when you’re struggling to run up a hill (or in other scenarios)

And I recommend you check out the idea of an ‘adversarial collaboration contest’ in T9!

Enjoy : )

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(all past TOTs here), sign up to get these articles emailed to you each week here.

Craig Barton’s ‘Slice of Advice’, via @mrbartonmaths, @robeastaway, summary via @mrshawthorne7

One of the segments that piqued my interest was by @robeastaway and can be read here:

How to improve literacy, via @SaraAsome’s and @LD_Australia

Original tweet here.

Enjoying reading @SarahAsome ‘s interview with Learning Difficulties Australia about some of the changes and advancements to literacy instruction at @BentleighWestunder Principal @StevenCapp (here:…). Here’s the professional reading diet… (start thread)

Which then impacted practice like this..
and this…
and this (Nice to meet you Gentle Cindy!)
Ooh, a familiar character appears (@DrLSHammond)
And a whole heap of links to assessment resources are included in this article also. A very worthwhile read for anyone keen to hear more about a highly structured and effective approach to teaching reading. (end thread)

How to make a concept model

Goals, Set-backs and the Psychology of Giving Up. via @teacherhead

Some gorgeous ‘hinterland’ curriculum, how China feeds its 1.4 billion people, ht @DSGhataura, @hugoledoux

Using low-stakes quizzes in PD for teachers, via @riley_ed

Text messages to increase student engagement in school, via @hfletcherwood

Maths teachers: Practice (SLOP) rearranging equations, ht @arzzax

Adversarial collaboration contest!