A bit of a shorty, but plenty of quality in this week’s TOTs. I hope you enjoy it!

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Taking the plunge into unschooling, two parents share the first six months, via @asburyandasbury (tag @naomicfisher)

This  week I released my podcast with Naomi Fisher on Self-directed Learning. Given this, the article below by Nick Asbury comes at a good time. In it, Nick (and his wife Sue) share the story of reading Naomi’s book Changing Our Minds, and subsequently plucking up the courage to pull their son, R, out of school. It’s a fascinating read!

School assemblies – How to make yours powerful and leave a lasting impression, via @JamesHandscombe

In this post, James Handscombe breaks down how he prepares assemblies. It’s a great addition to my podcast with him, on this same topic, from not so long ago : )

A new mental model for the processes involved in learning, via @PepsMccrea

No one I know has the ability to distill complex ideas into simple and valuable models like Peps McCrea does. And this thread is no exception!

RIP Mihály Csíkszentmihályi – the originator of the idea of ‘flow’, via @DanielPink

This blog, linked to by Dan Pink, includes a video of Csíkszentmihályi talking about flow. We owe a lot to his groundbreaking work in this area.

Celebrating four years of the Learning Rainforest, via @teacherhead

Tom Sherrington is one of the wisest educators I’ve met. And his diversity of knowledge and expertise is breathtaking. In this blog, Tom shares some of the key insights from his hugely successful book, The Learning Rainforest. I interviewed Tom for the ERRR podcast here.

All of Dan Willingham’s articles in one place, via @DTWillingham (ht @PepsMccrea)

You’d be hard pressed to find higher insights per word count than in Dan Willingham’s blog posts (the exception being Peps Mccrea’s books!)