It is a momentous day. I’m delighted to share, that I’ve just released the 100th episode of the Education Research Reading Room Podcast!

ERRR #100. Steve Biddulph on the Roots of Anxiety

I really can’t believe that we’ve made it this far. I started this podcast now over 8 years ago and it’s been the source of so much richness, fulfilment, and opportunity for me—both in my personal and professional life. I really couldn’t be more grateful.

I’ve also been blown away by the response from listeners. This podcast now has over 2 million downloads across the prior 99 episodes, and I literally have teachers coming up to me around the country, and even overseas, expressing their gratitude for the podcast, our generous guests, and the impact that these conversations have had on teaching practice around the world.

I also wanted to thank all of the Patreons of the ERRR Podcast. There are now over 600 people who support this podcast every month, a number that’s been steadily growing over the years. And this support, more than anything, is what enables me to continue to do this work. There is a whole heap of software, equipment, subscriptions, books, and more that I need to pay for each month to keep the ERRR going—not to mention my time—and it’s the generous support of all ERRR Patrons that has made this a sustainable project for me.

So if you’re a Patron, thank you. Your support means the world to me.

If you’ve enjoyed the ERRR Podcast over the years, I ask only one thing. Please share it. Please forward this email to three people who you think may not have heard the podcast before, and who may enjoy it. Please help this podcast, and the important conversations within it, reach more people.

Thanks for listening, thanks for your engagement, and here’s to another 100 episodes!


Announcements and Opportunities

Craig Barton’s ‘Becoming a Better Maths Teacher’ Aussie Tour!

I couldn’t be more excited about these four Aussie workshops with Craig Barton! We’d absolutely love to see you at one of these four dates in June 😊 Find out more and book here.

Instructional Coaching Intensive: Melbourne on March 24th!

This Monday just gone, Rory McCaughey and I ran a well attended Instructional Coaching Intensive in Brisbane, here are comments from some of the participants:

  • ‘A game changer for schools committed to developing teacher expertise!’

  • ‘Extremely helpful and practical. I feel confident to take this learning back to my school and implement.’

  • ‘The steplab intensive gave me the skills, knowledge and platform to be an effective, high quality coach. Very grateful I was able to spend the day learning so much!’

  • ‘Highly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants the knowledge and structure to improve their coaching in an educational context. ‘

  • ‘I only wish I did this PD sooner.’

If you’re keen for a similar experience, Steplab founder Josh Goodrich is flying over from the UK to collaborate with Rory and me on a Melbourne intensive at Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School on March 24th. We’d love to see you there!

If you are interested in Steplab, you can also book directly into a personal Steplab demo with me via this booking link. I run them every Wed and Friday arvo.