This week I finally finished listening to Craig Barton’s mammoth ‘slice of advice’ podcast. Got heaps out of it, and that’s…
Continue ReadingTOT086: The history of reading, creating a culture of collaborative staff discourse, + more Twitter Takeawayys
Seventeen takeaways this week! First up we have a riveting rollick through the history of reading. Fascinating stuff by Steven…
Continue ReadingTOT085: A manifesto for evidence based education, resources for teaching reading, + more Twitter Takeaways
A belated TOT this week. Had the school holidays then a busy start to term. Plus have been having tech…
Continue ReadingERRR #031. Bill Rogers on Behaviour Management
The ERRR podcast can also be listened to on Spotify, apple podcasts, and all other podcasting apps. In this episode…
Continue ReadingTOT084: Behaviour management, powerful knowledge, getting things done + more Twitter Takeaways
A bit of a behaviour management focus to this week’s TOT. T1 is a report from the UK’s Education Endowment…
Continue ReadingWhy teach? Building on Ben and Bernard.
“How do I know what I think until I see what I say” (attributed to E.M.Forster) I recently enjoyed reading…
Continue ReadingTOT083: Two excellent podcasts, moving beyond simplistic approaches to growth mindset, + more twitter takeaways
This week’s TOT begins with two fantastics podcast that are right up there with my fave podcasts of the year.…
Continue ReadingERRR #030. Neil Mercer on Interthinking and Group Work
In this wide ranging discussion Neil and I talk about the role of language in evolution, parallels between language and…
Continue ReadingTOT082: Goal free problems, improving worked examples, maths fluency + more Twitter Takeaways
A couple of cool themes in this week’s TOT The three articles linked to in T1 are all about ‘goal…
Continue ReadingTOT081: The impact of rewards, The power of interleaving, Leaders seeking consensus, + more Twitter Takeaways
I’ve often wondered about the impact of rewards on students. Do they help, or make them dependent and decrease intrinsic…
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