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This episode we’re speaking with Craig Barton, and yours truly!,
If you haven’t heard of Craig Barton as yet, he’s a fellow podcaster from the UK and runs the Mr. Barton Maths Podcast. We run a monthly podcast discussion over on his channel and this month we wanted to team up for a special episode to share on both the Mr. Barton Maths podcast, and the ERRR Podcast.
I’m currently working with a number of maths departments from different schools and I recently taught a demo lesson at one of them and recorded it as a stimulus for discussion around different teaching techniques and procedures that this school might like to try.
After recording, I sent the video to Craig just for his interest, and he came back saying that he’d love to do a podcast episode centred around it, in which we both dissect the lesson and talk about what went well, what I could do better next time, but most importantly, why I did what I did.
Craig asked me a huge number of really insightful questions in this discussion, and it really got me thinking about my own teaching more deeply, as well as teaching and learning more broadly.
I was also a bit nervous about his one, as sharing a video of my teaching with an educator as experienced and insightful as Craig was a bit intimidating. But it’s ultimately been a hugely rewarding experience, and now we all get to benefit from Craig’s insight and excellent analysis of this lesson.
To see some of the clips referred to in the podcast, check out the link on Craig’s page here.
To get a summary of this episode, sign up at
The ERRR podcast can also be listened to on Spotify, apple podcasts, and all other podcasting apps.
Links/resources mentioned in the show
- Here’s Craigs page for this pod, which includes all the clips from my lesson!
- Ollie’s Books, Cognitive Load Theory in Action, Tools for Teachers and The Classroom Management Handbook
- To get a summary of this episode, sign up at

This episode of the ERRR podcast is brought to you by Catalyst. Catalyst transforms students’ lives through learning by developing excellent teachers and Leaders through evidence-based professional learning programs. Find out more at

Listen to all past episodes of the ERRR podcast here.