I thoroughly enjoyed Craig Barton’s book, ‘How I wish I’d Taught Maths‘. To my mind, it’s an absolute must-read for any maths teacher out there. It has chapters on how students learn, motivation, explicit instruction, cognitive load theory, self-explanations, how to structure instruction, feedback, classroom culture, and much, much more. It collates a lot of fantastic research in one place, and presents it alongside detailed explanations of how to use it in the classroom.
Below I’ve included a bunch of my favourite snippets from the book. My absolute faves are marked with an asterisk *at the start and at the end*.
Enjoy : )
Let them see that you love maths
Great section from Craig Barton’s book. pic.twitter.com/YD3UeXIGQC
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 14, 2018
Making mistakes doesn’t grow your brain
On how ‘I uses to think’ that making mistakes grows your brain. From Craig Barton’s superb book. Oh dear… pic.twitter.com/WZ49GyKn1m
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 15, 2018
‘It’s kind of hard to have a growth mindset when I keep doing shit on tests, sir’
Love this line from Craig Barton’s new book. pic.twitter.com/NQHBQAbejc
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 15, 2018
What to do when a student says ‘I can’t do it.’
More wisdom from Craig Barton’s ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. What should I do when a student says ‘I can’t do it’? #MTBoS pic.twitter.com/2INYfnHNZ0
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 16, 2018
Instruction during intervention should be explicit and systematic
A good summary of an important concept. Found in @mrbartonmaths ‘ ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. pic.twitter.com/l0Daf9hp4k
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 21, 2018
How to teach negative numbers!
A non-analogy approach to teaching negative numbers. I like it! By @MrReddyMaths in @mrbartonmaths ‘s book, ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. Barton tells us (via Willingham) that an analogy crucially requires match (aka: epistemic fidelity), and range (coves necessary variation). pic.twitter.com/mVUcyAdmSK
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 22, 2018
How before why: A good chapter to read in staff meeting
On the ‘how’ before the ‘why’, and the false dichotomy of doing and understanding. Via @mrbartonmaths‘ fantastic book. pic.twitter.com/fkE4unfjpt
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 24, 2018
Concluding this section, which is one of my favourites. I reckon it’d be great to read this chapter in our next staff meeting @gpalmermusic! pic.twitter.com/bFSXvDYcdn
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 24, 2018
CLT in three key points
One of the best summaries of how CLT relates to the goals of instruction that I’ve seen. Found in @mrbartonmaths‘ book ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’ pic.twitter.com/V13uJd4pg3
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 25, 2018
Could we try making a normal problem into a goal free one?
Thanks for reminding me about this little exchange @mrbartonmaths . Funnily enough, I haven’t actually tried this out with my own students as yet. haha. Will have to give it a go! pic.twitter.com/H2t7f9kZCm
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 26, 2018
Explaining to a friend imposes more cognitive load than self-explaining
Some wisdom and an idea re: self-explaining. By @mrbartonmaths in his book ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths. 1. How and why self-explaining is different from explaining to a friend. pic.twitter.com/uiNJgtME1H
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 29, 2018
*The counter of hope*
2. A cool idea to get students to self-explain more! pic.twitter.com/ZM0kVR2POO
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) April 29, 2018
Break large tasks down into sub-goals
An exciting section of @mrbartonmaths ‘ book. This seems to me to be actively facilitating the formation of knowledge chunks for students, which can be mixed and matched in future, facilitating transfer. Note: More abstract labelling gives better transfer, but harder to learn. pic.twitter.com/WNv8LgMI8A
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 3, 2018
Scaffold non-examples for struggling students by pointing out the error
A very important consideration when including purposely including incorrect examples when teaching. From @mrbartonmaths ‘s book, ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. pic.twitter.com/NIyKDpF0DO
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 6, 2018
Include boundary examples (and variation more generally) right from the beginning of instruction
Ooh. I like this from @mrbartonmaths. Including boundary examples (and variation more generally) right from the start to help students to more flexibly deal with different representations. pic.twitter.com/UA8Xsd19d0
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 14, 2018
Students shouldn’t be able to get the question right whilst still holding a misconception
More gold from @mrbartonmaths. This one reminds me of Engelmann’s work. In order to ensure the correct inference is made, make sure that only one quality is the same across all examples. pic.twitter.com/k5AGJdgK4W
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 14, 2018
*Minimally different examples are cool*
One of my favourite sections from @mrbartonmaths book so far. Minimally different examples. Here’s a taster… pic.twitter.com/V38fiEAnk5
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 19, 2018
*A refinement regarding how to use Desmos sliders*
Stellar point about using @Desmos sliders. I hadn’t thought of this before. Great suggestion from @mrbartonmaths ‘ new book ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. pic.twitter.com/uopQabJWLo
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 19, 2018
Incorrect answers are really dangerous
On the dangers of incorrect answers. Via @mrbartonmaths pic.twitter.com/VtZu4E1zEo
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 21, 2018
Resource: AQA Questions and solutions
This is a great resource. Cool questions, with answers, and classified by content area AND ‘strategy’. Came across via @mrbartonmaths ‘ book, ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. Problems https://t.co/lI6b2pXI9E Solutions+ https://t.co/6Dm8ZR5x9F pic.twitter.com/zefWiERnQe
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 23, 2018
A interesting caveat about the ‘strategy’ classifications for the various questions. From the original doc, pointed out by @mrbartonmaths pic.twitter.com/FS7LNxJwra
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 24, 2018
*Ask students the questions you’d like them to learn to ask themselves (+ Schoenfeldt’s Qs)*
On asking students the questions you want them to begin to learn to ask themselves. Via @mrbartonmaths .This was my main takeaway from the John Mason and Anne Watson podcast episode. Nice to see it pop up again in the book. (also see three quotes from location 6076!) pic.twitter.com/vL8VIEYuO2
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 27, 2018
Colin Foster has developed a taxonomy for maths Qs
An interesting taxonomy of questions in the mathematics classroom. From @mrbartonmaths ‘ new book. pic.twitter.com/pixGMxFEAb
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 29, 2018
No opt-out works because students learn that ‘I don’t know’ is going to lead to just as much work
A good summary of how @Doug_Lemov ‘s no-opt-out works. by @mrbartonmaths pic.twitter.com/H5YTS7jKVH
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) May 30, 2018
Definitions of retrieval and storage strengths, + considerations regarding interactions
Key points on the diff between storage and retrieval strength of long term memory, and some important considerations. Via @mrbartonmaths. Also @mrbartonmaths, I thought you might find the concepts of retroactive and proactive interference interesting : ) https://t.co/oY7pVjRKfo pic.twitter.com/3QFlHY7e5r
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 5, 2018
Resource: UK Maths trust and Mr. Taylor’s ‘increasingly difficult questions’, great worksheets
Two fantastic websites with lots of maths questions. UK Maths Trust, https://t.co/rj3dYDrFsL, Mr. Taylor’s increasingly difficult questions. https://t.co/21foMQ6Xei Thanks for the heads up @mrbartonmaths This is probs the best perimeter worksheet I’ve ever seen! (from Mr Taylor) pic.twitter.com/qVlObaHBO5
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 7, 2018
Interleaving: mini-blocks and blocked-to-interleaved just as effective
Some interesting comments on blocked vs. interleaved practice, via @mrbartonmaths ‘ great new book ‘How I Wish I’d Taught Maths’. pic.twitter.com/RQH2GRyafO
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 7, 2018
Resource: UK Maths challenge questions (a database)
For UK Maths challenge questions look at the database of them collated by the amazing @DrFrostMaths https://t.co/xbznjQCDGp the rest of his website is well worth a look too.
— Nicke Jones (@NEdge9) June 7, 2018
self-grading is much more effective than peer-grading
A fascinating finding. The difference between the learning outcomes from self and peer grading. Probably to do with the hypercorrection effect This is from a reference in @mrbartonmaths new book, Sadler, P.M. & Good, E. (2006) https://t.co/AN2Rm2kKNB pic.twitter.com/jvPdRxVg9p
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 8, 2018
Resource: Websites for making quizzes
Three more great sources of questions from maths teachers. Fantastic for making low stakes quizzes. Mathsbot test maker https://t.co/CAPkjsB24U Brockington College Homework sheets https://t.co/1Y56D1MnL8, Corbettmaths 5 a day https://t.co/gEPe1uSiHy. cheers @mrbartonmaths
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 9, 2018
Note, Ben Gordon (@mathsmrgordon) has collated a bunch of these resources in one place, here:
@ollie_lovell https://t.co/XuHNUf83tg
— Ben Gordon (@mathsmrgordon) June 9, 2018
pre-tests are highly effective
I knew pre-testing was powerful, but I didn’t think it was this powerful! @mrbartonmaths summary of this paper by Richland and colleagues, 2009 paper, ‘The pretesting effect: Do unsuccessful retrieval attempts enhance learning?.’ paper here: https://t.co/JL74UyWayN pic.twitter.com/NPxSNLgYYW
— Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell) June 10, 2018