In today’s episode we’re speaking to Janet Carlson. Janet began her career as a middle and high school science teacher and has spent the last 20 years working in science education developing curriculum, leading professional development, and conducting research. Janet received a BA in Environmental Biology from Carleton College, an MS in Curriculum and Instruction from Kansas State University, and a PhD in Instruction and Curriculum (science education) from the University of Colorado. Janet is now an Associate Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education.

The opportunity to speak with Janet arose from a recent visit that she made to Monash University here in Victoria. I was fascinated by the work and thinking that Janet has been doing on Pedagogical Content Knowledge, teaching for equity, supporting teacher development through core practices, and explicit advice for the classroom such as the idea of teacher ‘talk moves’.

This is a wide ranging discussion, beginning with theory and making our way into discussing classroom practice.

Links mentioned in the show

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