I’ve just started new page to keep all of my book summaries in one place. It can be found here or in the menu bar above. I do this in the hope that it will further inspire me to keep reading and to communicate what I learn from my reading.

From now on, when I post up a new book summary it will also be linked to in my reading log. For those books that I’ve read and/or summarised prior to today, the summaries can be seen in the following document. I have left all of the summaries in the varying degrees of completion that they were at in my notes. I have done this in the interest of time, but also because it gives an interesting picture of how my summarising approaches have changed over time.

I hope you find something that interests you. Brief outlines of each of the books can be found in the reading log.

Regarding the document below: You can click the hyperlinks in the table of contents to navigate to a summary/excerpts of your choice. To return to the contents, scroll back up through the document.