I am very sad to have read in Best Evidence in Brief that the legendary Robert Slavin has passed away. Robert was an absolute force in education and reform, with a global reach, and I always enjoyed his insightful articles, many of which have been featured on this blog.
As a very small tribute to Robert’s work, here is a selection of his articles that I have featured on this blog over the years:
- Why finding an effect size greater that 1 is about a likely as finding a 10 foot man
- Effect sizes and additional months of gain: Can’t we just agree that more is better?
- Important things to consider when studying the impact of technology on education
- Meta-analysis and its discontents
- Effect sizes: How big is big?
- Are textbooks an intervention or a commodity?
Many of these articles have shaped my thinking, especially on the topic of educational measurement and effect sizes.
I know that Robert’s work will continue to inspire and influence educators for generations to come.