A big thanks to Shane Loader for the following recommendations.
Shane uses resources from the following sites to promote “problem solving and reasoning skills and the flexible use of mathematical knowledge in students”.
Enjoy! I’ve found them incredible!
The resources:
Which one doesn’t belong http://wodb.ca/index.html
Open Middle http://www.openmiddle.com/
Visual Patterns http://www.visualpatterns.org/
Robert Kaplinsky’s Tasks http://robertkaplinsky.com/lessons/
Andrew Stadel’s Three act tasks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkLk45wwjYBudG9LeXRad0lHM0E0VFRyOEtRckVvM1E#gid=0
Dan Meyer’s three act tasks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jXSt_CoDzyDFeJimZxnhgwOVsWkTQEsfqouLWNNC6Z4/edit?toomany=true&pli=1#gid=0
Yummy Math http://www.yummymath.com/
Estimation 180 http://www.estimation180.com/
Would you rather http://www.wouldyourathermath.com/
Edit: For a maths blogosphere specific search engine, check out the link here.
Thanks to @LoaderShane for this great list of 9 must read maths blogs #mathchat https://t.co/2GdYBMxmkM