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Not a podcast this week, just a few notes on key takeaways : )

Seminal Papers in Educational Psychology.

Check them out!

Guide your teaching by setting questions that you want the students to be able to answer.

Birmo tweets about the new ‘My Induction’ app.

It’s pretty interesting, got some decent tips, and some good starting points for new teachers.

Collection of evidence on direct instruction.

This is gold! E.g., I knew I’d read somewhere in the last PISA report that inquiry learning was negatively associated with science outcomes, spent about 15 mins trying to re-find last week, then gave up. Low and behold, it’s right here!!!

Further dissecting Growth Mindset.

This has been a hot topic on Twitter recently. Here’s a collation of posts, well worth a look.

More evidence for Explicit Instruction in Maths

Effectiveness of Explicit and Constructivist Mathematics Instruction for Low-Achieving Students in the Netherlands

A must listen podcast!

I love the Mr. Barton Podcast, and this week was an absolute ripper. I can’t think of a better use of 2 hours of a teacher’s time than to listen to this!

How deep can a simple maths question take us?

A really simple maths questions, with some amazing results!

Here’s a sneak peek

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Just for Fun. Pie Graphs in Action!!!

Want to see an elegant example of scaffolding?

How to help students to move from concrete examples to generalisations. This is a short and sweet classroom snapshot of how to do this incredibly effectively.

‘When will I ever use this?’: The ultimate comeback!!!

Thanks for joining me for another week with Teacher Ollie’s Takeaways : )
