(VCAL Teachers, please see the bottom of this page for a list of resources that I regularly draw upon to construct my VCAL numeracy lessons)
Current Homework Task: Car Project
Hey all.
The current task is the Car project. This project is due on Monday the 12th of September.
Here are the sheets should you need to refer to them at home.
Note: You can use this website to get an insurance quote. You will have to answer a few questions so just answer them as realistically as you can and to the best of your ability. This is a good realistic task.
Good luck!
Edit: Here is a link to a dropbox folder with all of the files and videos of how to pass each sheet!
Resources for Teachers:
I have drawn on each and every one of these resources to inform my VCAL numeracy teaching.
Mathematics Developmental Continuum. ALWAYS the place to start when searching for the best way to introduce a mathematical topic, and pre-empting likely misconceptions. Research based resource.
VALBEC, Building Strength with Numeracy. Excellent collection of activities and worksheets on the fundamental concepts. Here’s one of the relevant menus.
helpingwithmath.com. Great for basic worksheets (or just use google image search such as ‘fractions basic worksheet free’).
Practice tests for the Australian Defence Force and other Vocations (Just click on an option then select ‘quiz’ and it has a whole host of aptitude tests. It’s really excellent!).